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Black and White Girl, sharing a cell

If only on the streets it would go so well
Two persons locked down in a limited space
Still both of you endure this with grace
Even though you have moments of anger and grief
You manage somehow to limit these to be brief

Black and White Girl, sharing a cell
If only on the streets it would go so well

You are often treated disrespectfully
But you stand tall and endure the words uttered so cruelly
In your cell, you get dressed and undressed without any
shame as in prison, there is no glory or fame

Black and White Girl, sharing a cell
If only on the streets it would go so well

Both sharing the dream of a world without locks,
Freedom is all you see when looking at the clocks
Your laughter and tears alternate
In this cell you have found your prison mate

Black and White Girl, sharing a cell
If only on the streets it would go so well

May your dreams of all colours come true
When this is over, you will have paid your due
Black and White Girl, go find your life

Get back on your feet and may you always thrive

Sherida N. (Nederlandse in

Amerikaanse gevangenis)

Winnaar dichtwedstrijd Ark Mission/Exodus/DJI/ KRO-NCRV